Friday, September 15, 2006

Day 7 !!!!!!

Well I made it and I am now into the final day - I have just finished the Passion 4 Juicemaster for lunch and its lovely and thick and creamy.
I am really looking forward to eating food again and I think I will give myself a couple of days off (but still eating healthily) before I start the Turbo Charge plan on Monday as the plan assumes that Days 6 and 7 are the weekend whereas for me it would be days 1 and 2 so I think it would be good to to that. I am going to more or less stick to the plan though and have salad or soup for lunch and some fish or oven baked chicken for tea.

I haven't checked my measurements yet as you should do that on day 8 so tomorrow morning I will see if I have lost anything!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Day 6

Well it was really nice today to have the passion 4 juicemaster and I have it again later so I am looking forward to that. I have run out of avocado and the super juice this morning is very watery and not as nice without it. I have gone and bought a couple more at lunchtime to last me through tomorrow.

My trousers I am wearing today do seem loser than they are normally so maybe I have lost some weight although I don't physically feel any lighter.

Day 5

Not too bad today - I am getting a bit bored with some of the juices, as I have already mentioned the Super juice and the Turbo express are very similar and you have these usually at least twice a day. I did an 3 mile run after work which was ok but I didn't feel as if I was bursting with energy and I really had to push myself.

I am looking forward to tomorrow when I have the Passion 4 juicemaster which should be a nice change.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Day 4

Well I am now into day 4 and feel as if I have loads of energy which is nice, I am still feeling a little hungry between juices and so I have had a handful of almonds (not roasted or salted or anything) I hope this is ok. It does seems strange not to eat meals and when colleagues at work are eating pasties and crisps I haven't been tempted although they still do smell nice! I think they think I am all mad at work and there have been comments about putting weight back on as soon as I finish the 7 days but I intend to stick to the Turbo charge plan then.

The smoothies are very nice although I find a couple - the Turbo charge and Super juice are very similar in taste and it can get a bit repetitive. I had the Detox juice this morning and that tastes better than I thought it would as its quite 'earthy'. It was actually quite sweet although not very thick probably due to the lack of Avocado.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Day 3

Well its now day 3 and I made the rush this morning. My juices are in my fridge at work and I am looking forward to trying the Passion for Juicemaster one this afternoon.

Well I had my 2 morning juices and I am still a little peckish so I have bought some nuts at lunchtime and I now I feel abit guilty - perhaps I should have eaten some fruit instead such as a banana - maybe I am just missing the feeling munching on some food.

I have had the Passion 4 Juicemaster and it is very nice - very thick and creamy and alot like a banana smoothie - I am looking forward to having that again soon.

I haven't bothered with the hot and spicy this eveing as I wasn't that hungry and I have found that I have been feeling the need to visit the bathroom during the night more than usual the last couple of nights so I have decided to miss it.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Day 2 - Still going strong

I am now into day 2 and I am still motivated and jucing. I am doing a 10k run in a couple of weeks time so I had to do an hour run this morning. I live near a lake so the plan was to do 3 and half laps as I know three laps take me about 50mins. The run could have been better as I got to around 50mins and then just seemed to lack in energy and I became very tired, maybe this is just my body getting used to the juices and Jason does say that you may feel more tired than usual in the first couple of days. I had to take a break for a couple of mins, by the time I got back to my car I had been running for 1hour 2mins which was good.

I got back and after my shower had my second juice which is the Super Juice which is lovely. The next juice is supposed to be the chute juice again but I will see how things go as I am again running late with the juices. I'll report back later on how the rest of the day goes...

Well I made the Chute juice again and it wasn't too bad, certainly not as bitter as the first time although it is still more 'earthy' and not as sweet as the others. I am supposed to have it twice on wednesday but I may substitute it for one of the other ones that I prefer.

I am still feeling quite tired and its an early start tomorrow (5.45) so its gonna be abit of a rush to make my juices and washup and get my son up and ready for school.

Day 1 -- A disasterous Chute juice

Well I am now into day 2 of the 7 day plan and it hasn't been too bad. I felt really hungry yesterday afternoon although I had had my second juice abit later than planned but then cut it down to only 2 and half hours til the next one so I could catch up. The Chute juice didn't taste very nice although I think I may have added too much ginger and too much beetroot, it wasn't very thick and it was very bitter but I managed to swallow in small sips.

I didn't get to work out as much as planned but I should make up for that tomorrow. It didn't help that I had to cook food for my son and he his sat there eating a nice evening meal at the side of me but I am determined to be sucessful and I was drinking the Lemon/Ginger zinger which looks abit like a cocktail the way it separates into orange and yellow and does taste very nice! The hot and spicy was very nice as its warm and the cinnamon and apples are a really nice combination.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Beginning...

Hi my name is Fiona and like many others I am going to attempt to follow Jason Vale's 'Lose 7 lbs in 7 days diet'. I already have the turbo charge your life in 14 days plan and attempted that a couple of months ago but have reverted back to my old ways! I have the 7 lbs in 7 days book and have just today received the accompanying dvd and wall planner. I intend to start the plan next weekend so I have a week to prepare for the plan and reread the book.

The dvd seems very motivational as there are alot of people talking about the benefits and how they felt as well as you see Jason making all the different juice recipies which I think will be a great help. I have yet to watch it all but have watched a couple of the chapters and I'm itching to make a start!