Friday, September 15, 2006

Day 7 !!!!!!

Well I made it and I am now into the final day - I have just finished the Passion 4 Juicemaster for lunch and its lovely and thick and creamy.
I am really looking forward to eating food again and I think I will give myself a couple of days off (but still eating healthily) before I start the Turbo Charge plan on Monday as the plan assumes that Days 6 and 7 are the weekend whereas for me it would be days 1 and 2 so I think it would be good to to that. I am going to more or less stick to the plan though and have salad or soup for lunch and some fish or oven baked chicken for tea.

I haven't checked my measurements yet as you should do that on day 8 so tomorrow morning I will see if I have lost anything!

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