Thursday, March 15, 2007

A new awakening

Well I have read some fantastic blogs recently so I have decided to reawaken my own blog. This time I am not going to blog anything specific but just comments about my day to day life and my struggle to lose some weight!

I did the Jason Vale juice plan last year and whilst I managed to more or less stick to it I found towards the end that I really just missed the sensation of crunching and chewing food and it is really a diet and since reading the book Beyond Chocolate by Sophie and Audrey Boss I have decided that diets are a waste of time and to relax and just eat whatever I fancy. Before I eat I try and tune in and decide if I am really hungry or whether I am eating for the sake of it ( cos its lunchtime or cos I'm bored).

I have a desk job so do find it hard at times not to pick and nibble throughout the day and if someone decides to go for bacon/sausage sandwiches I find it very hard to resist!

I am currently single and have been for a few years now, I have a 12 year son who I only see at weekends and I miss him terribly during the week. I have tried the whole internet dating thing and I have met a few guys through that but nothing permanent. A colleague at work knows a guy who I might be interested in who is also single so we are trying to organise a group outing so we can meet each other but I am already very nervous - its been a long time since I dated!

Anyway thats enough for now.

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